It’s done! You’ve made the decision to sell. Now all you need to do is get ready for photos and home opens.
Fudge. You’re thinking. Home opens. Kids, pets, cleaning, washing! Crap. How the heck are we going to manage that?
At Red Fox, we know for most sellers getting ready for home opens is stressful.
So much so that most sellers look at us pleadingly and say, “Nat, I can’t do this again, please sell it this weekend!”
So here are our Top 5 hacks to make coping with home opens easier.
They are:
1. Eat out
Treat yourself to dinner out the night (or few nights…) before, scab dinner at a friends (!) or at least get takeaway.
That way, you won’t mess up the bright, sparkly kitchen you’ve spent all week cleaning.
2. If you’ve got more than one bathroom, stick to using just one
Better to clean one shower screen, bath & vanity than two (or more).
3. Buy lots of plastic washbaskets or flexible tubs
Walk around the house, fill them up with any stray stuff, and load them into your car before your home open (just don’t leave the car at home!).
4. Farm out the pets
And kids if you can (!) to make life (and cleaning) easier.
5. Move out
Seriously, if it’s financially viable, or you’ve got rellies you can stay with, remove the stress of trying to keep everything pristine and in its place by moving out for a few days. You’re due for a mini break anyway, right?
If your agent is like us, they’ll probably open both Saturday and Sunday the first weekend you’re on the market. And if not, there’s still a strong likelihood keen buyers will want to come back for a second look.
By moving out, your agent has easy access for any additional viewings and you don’t have to run around the house in a frenzy trying to get everything organised again.
And don’t forget that you don’t need to do it all yourself. Friends, fam, professional cleaners, ask for help or pay for it if you can – save your energy for the big one – the move! 😉