There are some things that should never be seen at a home open. Here’s my top 10 list of them.

1.Sex toys

Self explanatory. Buyers open cupboards. Spot check your walk in robe and bathroom cabinets just in case. Proudly displayed on your bedside table for unsuspecting kiddies to fondle – yeah, no.

2. Your dirty laundry

You might not smell your stale undie odour but buyers will. Take your laundry basket with you when you leave.

3. Last night’s dinner and dirty dishes

The payback of resentful tenants. Consider selling your property vacant.

4. People still sleeping (!) in beds.

Also popular with resentful tenants. And adult children who are still at home trying to sabotage their parents attempts to downsize and kick them out.

5. Open toilet seats

Smells, surprises – none of it good. Check & close those dumpsters!

6. Animal faeces

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We know that the odd outside doo doo on the lawn is probably going to escape notice, that’s cool, but the inside stuff on the carpet or in the kitty litter –  huge no-no.

7. A green pool


8. Nude or semi nude photos

You know how they used to be a thing? Not now.

9. Special collections

Always a toughie. Your treasures are likely to be another buyers pet hate. Store them away safely for their new home.

10. The owner

We love you and your home. We love hearing it’s history and stories. We promise we’ll tell buyers there’s enough concrete in the foundations to build 4 stories. Trust us to do our job – we want the best for you too.

Any horror stories from home opens you’ve visited? We’d love you to share them in the comments below!

Natalie Hoye is the Founder and Licensee of Red Fox Property Group – a boutique agency doing things differently in the suburbs surrounding Beaufort Street. We call it ‘real estate alchemy’: a genuine blend of science and intuition, marketing and magic, head and heart. The Red Fox Way. And we’d love to chat with you about your local real estate needs. Call us now on 0405 812 273.